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Welcome to Sutra Studios!
Family owned and operated for 15yrs!
Do what you love, love what you do.


Phoenix Indie Week: Why You Should Support Your Local Wellness Studio

  1. Community Connection Local studios like Sutra Studios foster a strong sense of community. We provide a space for like-minded individuals to gather, connect, and support each other on their journey of self-discovery. By supporting a local studio like Sutra you contribute to the growth and development of a community hub that promotes health, well-being, mindfulness, healing and human connection, and that's pretty rad.

  2. Personalized Experience Local studios like Sutra provide more individual attention due to be a family business within your own community. This personalized connection enhances your experience as we provide guidance, encouragement, and motivation tailored specifically to your needs. Rebecca and Matthew's intuitive healing and deep knowledge of healing mechanics offer personalized guidance to help you move forward and radically change your life.

  3. Diversity of Offerings Local studios like Sutra offer a more diverse range of class experiences, special events, and workshops to cater to different interests and all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner, an advanced practitioner, or a novice visitor, Sutra provides an array of options. This diversity allows you to find yourself immersed in unique one-of-a-kind experiences, explore different class styles, and sample new techniques of personal attention and self-care to broaden your horizons and deepening your awareness.

  4. Supporting Local Economy By supporting local studios like Sutra, you contribute to the local economy and help sustain a small family business. Sutra Studios is owned and operated by Downtown Phoenix residents, Rebecca & Matthew Fritz, and their five children, who often help out at the studio. The Fritz Family have invested 15yrs of their time, energy, and resources into creating a space for this amazing community to feel supported, cared for, and in control of their lives. Your support helps Sutra thrive and continue to provide valuable services to our community.

  5. Personal Growth and Well-being Local studios like Sutra offer numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. By supporting Sutra, you prioritize your own well-being and personal growth, which in-turn, supports the well-being and personal growth of everyone around you. Regular self-care at Sutra improves mental and physical strength, reduces stress, increases mindfulness, and improves mental clarity. By committing to your need for self-love you invest in your own powerful life force, which is pretty damn amazing.






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